Friday, January 15, 2016

New Beginnings

Hello friends, I apologize for the absence this past month. If you have been following me on Instagram, then you know that I have began to make some social media changes. I took a month off to really think about 4 things:

1) Why am I blogging?
2) Am I still blogging for the same reasons that I was when I began my blog?
3) Is this blog bringing glory to God?
4) Is this blog portraying my real, everyday life?

To answer those questions, I will begin with #1. I am blogging for the purpose of sharing my life, experiences, and knowledge with others in order to better their lives. Did I feel like a daily outfit post was really bettering other people's lives? Sometimes maybe, but not daily. Therefore, I have a new focus.

Many of you know that I hold a bachelor's degree in exercise science, that I am a current Insanity Live and Boot Camp Instructor, and that I am pursuing my doctorate degree in physical therapy. All of these point toward one thing --> I am a very big health and fitness advocate, and I feel as if I am not using this gift as I should in my online presence. Because of this, I have made a new goal this year to begin coaching others in their fitness journeys and helping them reach their goals. Will I still have outfit posts? Of course! Duh, I love fashion :) (Fashion Fridays anyone?). But I really want to share a little bit more of my knowledge in the health and fitness realm and how I fit it into my daily, crazy life.

Question #2 gets a definite answer of no. I started this blog to share about my life, and while fashion and beauty truly is something that I love, my life does not revolve around it. This is a huge reason as to why I am working on refocusing my blog on what I originally wanted it to be.

Question #3 is something that I have struggled with. Again, if you have followed my Instagram posts, then you know that I have been sharing about my faith journey some and about the topic of being real on social media. I believe that my shift in the focus of this blog will bring more glory to God, and if I am bringing glory to God, then I am very happy with the change.

Question #4 really ties into question #3. My goal this year is to be as real as I can be with my blog and share not just the high points of my life, but also the low. So many times we don't want to share about our low points because it's not fun or it doesn't bring a smile. However, I think it's important to not get a false view of people that you follow on social media. They are real people with real, daily problems, and it's important to share that part of life, too.

I want to leave you with a verse that has been on my mind lately. "But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourself" - James 1:22. I have been praying about the topic of this post for the last month, and it's time to do what God has called me to. Thank you for sharing in this journey with me!

God Bless!


  1. I think it's great that you are taking your blog in the direction you want! It should focus on the things you want it too, and I can't wait to see where it takes you!

  2. This is great reflection! I'm excited to see your fitness posts!!

    <a href="Http://

  3. Loved this!! Looking forward to more!!
