I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Amber from Fashion, Floss, and Lip Gloss! If you haven't checked out her blog yet, you definitely should! She's very sweet and posts great outfits, and her blog is one of my daily reads!
1) Post the award on your blog
2) Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog
3) Write 11 random facts about yourself
4) Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter ank 11 for your nominees to answer.
5) Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 1000 followers.
6) Let the nominees know you have nominated them.
11 Random Facts:
1) I am a really healthy eater, and I enjoy experimenting with new recipes to make them healthier. Much to C's dismay, I super love my fruits and vegetables!
2) I have a really weird way of making myself do cardio. I turn on an episode of The Biggest Loser on my Hulu Plus app on my phone and do some form of cardio during the entire episode (which is about an hour and 20 minutes on Hulu). Watching that show just motivates me to do my cardio.
3) I am addicted to cottage cheese. I disliked it for years, but I have recently introduced it into my diet, and now I'm hooked. I literally go through 3 of the 0% Great Value cottage cheese containers in a week all by myself. (at least it's a healthy food!)
4) I ate so much peanut butter for years that my body stopped tolerating it. I had to stop eating it for a year, and now I'm slowly reintroducing it back into my diet (finally!).
5) I absolutely love fashion and clothes (obviously), however, most of my days are actually spent in fitness attire and ponytails thanks to all the group exercise classes that I teach.
6) I am the third child in my family with 2 older sisters and 1 younger sister. No brothers!
7) I am in love with dogs, particularly labs. I don't currently have one of my own, but first chance I get, you better believe I'm taking home a soft, cuddly lab puppy!
8) I'm definitely a homebody. Give me a movie, snack, and either C or a few good friends, and I'm set for the night.
9) This is probably no secret, but I have the biggest heart for missions, and the biggest love for travel (I'm sure God gave me that love for a reason, ha!). If I wasn't going to physical therapy school, I would definitely move to another country and be a missionary right now.
10) I love being outdoors. Whether it's a day at the lake or hiking in the mountains, I absolutely love it.
11) I love to help people. As silly as it sounds, I have a deep love for people in general. If I see someone in need, I feel overwhelmingly compelled to help them (which is probably why I try to stop and give food to the people holding the signs outside of Walmart every chance I get).
11 Questions from Amber:
1) What is your day job?
I am a student! I just graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Arkansas, and I'll be starting my Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree at the University of Central Arkansas in August.
2) What do you do for fun when not blogging?
I really love to do just about anything with my friends and C. I love hanging out, watching movies, cooking, hiking, swimming...and so much more. I also love working out. Basically, I'm an active person.
3) Describe yourself in 3 words.
Athletic. Caring. Girly. (can athletic and girly go together? haha)
4) What is your favorite social network?
My favorite social network is definitely Instagram.
5) When you were little, what did you imagine growing up to be?
When I was 5 I thought I wanted to be a cheerleader, haha. As I got older I thought I wanted to be an astronaut!
6) Do you prefer brick-and-mortar shopping or online shopping more?
I love online shopping. I feel like I get better deals when I online shop because I can compare prices at different places and stalk sales at the sites I love the most!
7) What is your no-fail go-to outfit, AKA your uniform?
My go-to outfit that I know won't fail me is skinny jeans, wedges, and a piko top paired with either a scarf or a statement necklace. That's always flattering, and always comfortable.
8) What is (are) your style icon(s)?
I don't know that I really have any style icons. I'm a pretty big Lauren Conrad fan, but that's about it. I just love style in general, not really one particular person's style.
9) What song has been stuck in your head lately?
"Lay Me Down" by Rush of Fools. It's a pretty upbeat Christian song, and I love it!
10) How did you come up with your blog's name?
My blog's name is pretty simple. I knew that I wanted it to reflect Christ without having to flat out say that. So I took something that I thought was great, which is serenity (because being in a peaceful state is pretty awesome), and knew I wanted to say that there was something better than that. So, Sweeter than Serenity is about my relationship with Jesus Christ. Serenity is a great place to be, but having a relationship with God is just sweeter than that.
11) What is your favorite blog post you've written?
This is a hard one, because I like a lot of my posts. My favorite outfit post would have to be Pineapple Express because I just love my pineapple shirt. On the other hand, my absolutely favorite post of all time I just wrote last week when I was open and honest about myself and my blog. It was hard to write about the most vulnerable parts of my life, but I think it had a way bigger impact on people than any outfit post I ever could've written. You can check out that post here.
My Nominees:
1) Kylie from Dress in Sparkles
2) Maggie from Polished Closets
3) Elizabeth from Closer than Yesterday
4) Pamela from Sequins and Seabreezes
5) Anna from A Lily Love Affair
6) Melissa from Rockin Heels
7) Katie and Brittani from Pleasantly Petite
8) Jacqueline from The Sunshine District
9) Amanda and Jennie from 2 Girls in 2 Cities
10) Tiffany from Just Another Shopaholic
11) Darcy from A Memory of Us
Not all of these bloggers are new, but I wanted to include some of my favorite bloggers in this list so you can check them out! :) My nominees definitely don't have to participate if they don't want to (especially those that I know aren't new bloggers but that I just nominated because I love reading their blog everyday!). Thanks again to Amber from Fashion, Floss, and Lip Gloss for nominating me!
My Questions for Nominees:
1) What made you decide to start blogging?
2) What is your biggest inspiration for your outfits?
3) Polka dots or stripes?
4) What is your favorite tv show?
5) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
6) What is your favorite color to wear?
7) What are your hobbies? (besides blogging)
8) What is your day job?
9) Who do you look up to most in your life, and why?
10) What is your favorite outfit that you have posted?
11) What genre of music is your favorite?
Thank you to all my wonderful readers for their support! I love blogging, and I am thankful to have such wonderful followers! :)
God Bless!
Woohoo congrats!! I cannot believe how much cottage cheese you eat, haha! It is something I am slowly introducing into my diet. I do not like the taste but I know it is good for you! Thank you for including me in your list of nominees, too : )
I loved reading this and getting to know you a bit better!! It is so wonderful that you are heading to get your Doctorate! That is such a wonderful accomplishment :) Thank you for nominating me - you are too sweet :)
I absolutely LOVED learning more about you!! So cool that you also only have sisters, so you understand the sister love too!! What a great thing you're doing by furthering your education and always wanting to help others out. I definitely think girly and athletic can go together, I'm sure all your workout clothes are adorable =) I love your go-to outfit, great look!!
Fashion, Floss and Lip Gloss